Architecture Landscape Design Senior Living

Jefferson’s Ferry - Renovations and Additions

South Setauket, NY

Jefferson’s Ferry recently completed a strategic planning process that identified the expansion and repositioning of the campus as a key priority. As a member of the project team, KDA Architects provided master planning and conceptual design services for the assessment of the financial viability of the repositioning.

The master plan includes the construction of 69 new independent living apartments, 20 new memory support assisted living units, and the repositioning/expansion of amenities with an emphasis on fitness/wellness and dining.

The building additions are located at key locations where they provide a fresh image for the campus and create meaningful outdoor spaces for recreation and socializing. Existing areas of natural vegetation requiring removal to make way for the expansion will be re-created on the slopes of the stormwater pond to provide soil stabilization and wildlife habitat.

Jefferson’s Ferry
Additions: 161,000 SF; Renovation: 49,000 SF

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